
Argh. I’m playing with a quad core Mac Pro at work (that has 4gb) and this thing is waaay faster than the mac mini. Depressingly so. I could totally handle this level of performance at home. And this is with a roughly 2+ year old machine. I also don’t notice the weird “slow framerate” effect […]

More rambling: Keynote and video editing

So the Macworld keynote was lame. Phil Schiller is boring to watch, not just because his announcements were boring, but also because he lacks the same enthusiasm and RDF of Jobs. There’s just something very blah blah about Schiller’s intonation. As for the stuff that was announced. iPhoto, kind of interesting. Face recognition I would […]

Mac Mini '09 wish list

Instead of trying to predict what they’re going to announce, how about I write down what I would want in a new Mac Mini: Up to 8GB of RAM (some notebooks can do this already) Nvidia chip (sounds like a lock) SSD (cost probably doesn’t work out, but an option would be nice) eSATA (I […]

End/Beginning of year rambling

Lets start off with New Years resolutions: Keep my desk cleaner. Eat better. Try modified diets to deal with health issues. But in general, I should really stop eating so much sugary and bready foods. Take more photos. Speak Japanese to Kaio. This is, for some reason, harder than I expected. I think part of […]