Newegg HDD reliability analysis

Here’s my stupid table I created from browsing through a bunch of Newegg listings for hard drives: Model 4+ 1 egg total —– —- —— —– barracuda lp 1tb 83% 8% 62 1.5tb 64% 22% 55 2tb 85% 9% 47 barracuda 7200.12 1tb 76% 13% 287 500g 76% 16% 335 barracuda es.2 67% 13% 142 […]

Simplifying Email

I’ve been using a new way to read my email for a few months now, and it seems to be working quite well, so I’m going to write down how it works, since I suspect others want something similar, and I could have benefited from someone describing this scheme to me. Here’s the basic idea: […]