X60 Arrives

I managed to score a tricked out Lenovo Thinkpad X60 through work, and it arrived today. This thing is _*tiny*_. The top half is all screen, and the bottom half is mostly keyboard. Not even enough space for a touchpad. The initial software configuration was disappointing. But I guess that’s to be expected form a […]

Early evening for Topical Steroids

“A page from eczemaguide.com”:http://www.eczemaguide.com/eczema_treatments/topical/topical_corticosteroids.html claims that “early evening” is the best time to apply topical steroids, though provides no scientific reason why that’s the case. There are a lot of pages that have a breakdown of corticosteroids by potency, but the group them into vague groups such as “mild” and “potent,” whereas most doctors carry […]

Safety of Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors

There seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding the safety of topical tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel) for the treatment of AD, in terms of whether there is a risk that they cause cancer. It all climaxed with the FDA sending out “black box warnings” on these products. “Here’s an article”:http://www.skinandaging.com/article/5886 that surveys several […]

A new topic

I tend to spend a lot of time on the internet reading about health. About various types of diseases, their treatments, and available medications. I don’t think I’m particularly obsessed about it, rather, a lot of it is directly relevant to me. I’ve had to deal with a variety of allergic/atopic diseases (hay fever, atopic […]

I'm trying to help you…

Rhapsody 4 has this annoying bug: If you’re running on a dual head setup, and you maximize Rhapsody on the non-primary head, then minimize it, then restore it, it restores to the primary head, not the one it was previously on. Minimizing and restoring a window should never change it’s position on screen. Anyhow, so […]

Another day another theme

K2 was looking too much like the default theme, and it was also messing up my customizations for some reason. Here’s my attempt at picking a simpler base, and making things more functional. Unfortunately, no more AJAX-powered search though.


In my misguided attempt to generate some kind of non-trivial traffic to my blog, I’ve signed up for feedburner and have worked it into my template. So kindly, if you’re one of the very few people who has already subscribed, please resubscribe with the feed at the following URL: “http://feeds.feedburner.com/LevelsOfDetail”:http://feeds.feedburner.com/LevelsOfDetail (If you click on it, […]

Blog pings

Weird. I had a hard time finding any content from my blog under the Technorati search, so I added their blog ping address directly to my wordpress installation. Now 30% of my traffic is from them. Does the ping-o-matic address that is built into wordpress just not work anymore?