I guess this is a sequel to my previous posts about running Feisty on my X60.
Except there isn’t really much to write about. Things worked mostly out of the box. The only recommendation I’d have is to tweak the font settings (System > Preferences > Appearance) so that you use subpixel rendering and full hinting. It looks like Ubuntu finally included the subpixel rendering patches that everyone who cared was already using anyways, so you can get pretty good results with a simple configuration change.
It’s still not perfect.. especially for fonts that don’t have good hints (and Arial still looks like crap), but it has pretty much gotten to the “good enough” level for normal use for me. One big improvement is that the text, when viewed off angle on my X60 screen don’t look nearly as crappy as they used to. The degrade pretty much along the same lines as XP.
Compiz worked out of the box, and I didn’t have to set any drivers or anything. I had to explicitly enable the wireless driver, but after doing so, it’s been working fine. Suspend and resume seem to work ok. I’ve had one issue in mabe 20-30 cycles.
Docking and undocking still doesn’t work out of the box, but it seems like there might be hope for this one. I’ll have to work on it later.
HDAPS, the harddrive protection system seems to exist in a half-baked state. “hdapsd” the daemon that monitors the hdaps output and parks the hard drive has a package in the repository, but the default kernel seems to lack the patch that actually allows this to work. Here’s the bug that talks about this. On the bright side, it looks like people are actually working to include a real patch that has a chance of getting upstreamed, so maybe by the time Hardy comes around, it’ll work.
Overall, a pretty good improvement, though I hear lots of users are running into upgrade issues. Since I didn’t really use Feisty on this machine much, I did a clean install, and things seemed to work as about as well you could expect.

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