It seems hard to find a good FTP/sftp app these days. But for some reason, I was searching around today and found Cyberduck, a fantastic open source ftp/sftp app for OSX. It seems to be active, feature complete, and polished. What more can you ask for?
It also has a great feature that Fugu also has, but I didn’t know about until today. If you open a remote file for editing, it copies it locally and opens it in your text editor. That’s standard, but where these apps take it one step further: everytime you write to the file (i.e. the file’s mod time changes) the file get’s re-uploaded. So a ‘save’ in TextMate automatically causes an upload in Cyberduck/Fugu. Is this just a standard feature that I never new about? The old windows ftp clients I used to use certainly didn’t seem to be able to do this.

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