For the last 3 months or so, I’ve pretty much looked at craigslist everyday to find out about new apartments in the Mission/Noe Valley area. I guess our requirements are pretty specific, so there aren’t too many matches — maybe 1 place per week that looks interesting.
Regardless, for every single one that is a match, we find that we are one of a bazillion interested people. We’ve put down at least 4 applications, but have yet to acheive any kind of success. Sometimes not even a call back from the landlord to tell us that we didn’t get the place.
I mean, come on. It can’t be this bad can it?
It reminds me of my office mate’s stories about SF during the boom times, in which he claims that people had to bring gifts when applying for an apartment, just to set themselves apart from the throngs of other potential tenants.
Is it just that relying on craigslist just a really bad way to go about it? Or is searching only Noe and the Mission just too limiting?