Here’s the “real problem”: I probably would have been a lot happier if the G4 powerbook just had a real CPU.
As it is, the G4 is probably slower in some ways than my P4 1.8ghz (which has access to faster memory). I have this bad history of switching from desktops to notebooks of roughly equivalent peformance (i.e. old desktop, newer laptop). At first it was a 350 mhz Pentium II desktop to a 350 mhz Pentium II laptop. Then it was to a 667 mhz Crusoe Laptop. And now a P4 1.8Ghz desktop to a 1.67Ghz G4 laptop.
When will I learn? I suppose my dad will bust in at this point and point out that at least two out of those three experiences were when I tried non-Intel chips.
On the flip side, that new desktop is going to feel ridiculously fast.
Ramesh Dharan