Some Ideas for Mice

It seems like the Mighty Mouse has been pretty much deemed a disappointment. The main reasons being: The scroll ball is a bit small and hard to use. It’s still really only one button. It’s wired. Here’s a couple ideas for a scroll mouse that gives you lateral scrolling: Touchpad mouse: Build a touchpad into […]

Lossless Bitrate for a Lossy Audio Format?

Something I’ve always wondered about lossy audio compression like AAC, MP3, ATRAC, and the like. Is it possible to have a high enough bitrate such that you are guaranteed to lose nothing? From my understanding of how most of these work, you take an input signal, and then transform it into another representation, then prune […]

Gallery 2

I, like others, manage a gallery for other people I know — mainly, my family members. I personally use smugmug, but since I can’t really effectively share my smugmug account, I still use gallery for everyone else’s pictures (plus dreamhost just upgraded us to 20G, so there’s plenty of room). The new embedded Java-based upload […]

My computer farts

So I downloaded an installed Adium X because I needed to chat with someone on Yahoo, and the Mac Yahoo messenger couldn’t be trusted. Why are the default send message and receive message sounds in Adium high and low pitched farts?

Fun with iTunes

I’m sure a lot of people know about this one already, but I noticed that if you right click on a song in iTunes, it gives you an option that says “Convert selection to …” where “…” is whatever you have your current import encoding settings (in preferences->advanced on a mac) set to. It makes […]

More details

So what’s the best way to buy music in Japan? at 3,000 yen per CD (about 25 bucks), buying CD’s is surely not the way. So the natural alternative: rent CD’s. Yep. Go to the local media rental shop (which has CD’s DVD’s and the like) and a rent a few. Bring it back and […]

It’s amazing…

… that we all used to use this ass product call Windows 98. My grandparents’ PC (a slim compaq presario which we paid roughly 1500 for a good 5 years ago) has good ol’ windows 98 SE. Amazingly, it hasn’t crashed yet, but it can’t really even deal with the sound device too well (skype […]


So I’m sitting here checking out the Japanese cable company to see if I can transition my grandparents to a cheaper plan. They have a JCOM Net Premium plan which offers 30Mbps down (!!) and 2 Mbps up for about 45 bucks a month. Update: Not to be out done, the Yahoo broadband service offers […]

Finding time to learn new things

Working as a software developer has one annoying side effect that, your daily work tends to sap your enthusiasm for spending lots of time to learn new technologies. Bringing in completely new technology into a product at work is a fairly rare occurence — mostly because of inertia, concern for code and product stability, etc. […]