
The cable guy came to set up my 8mbit service this morning. Seemed simple enough. Setting up the physical connection was simply a matter of connecting cables in my building’s cable box. Setting up the rest, on the other hand, sucked. The guy insisted that he had to install some software on my mac. He […]

Consumer education

I hate to sound smug (great South Park episode btw), but its really amazing to me how much even somewhat “saavy” computer users know so little about virtualization (and by saavy, I mean confident enough to post in some public forum about it.) There are so many misconceptions.. like: It’s just for software testers. While […]

Today’s detail

More on desktops… I also thought about this today.. if I had gone with a PowerMac, then that might have saved me from all my keyboard ordeals. I could have just gotten the real kinesis at both work and home and could have been done with it. With a laptop, you have the added constraint […]

Do I really fit the laptop use case?

I’ve almost had this laptop for a year now. Feels like a good time to evaluate how good or bad of a purchase it was. My main concern is that for the majority of my usage scenarios, laptops actually are the suboptimal solution. In buying a laptop again, I had hoped for several benefits, namely: […]

Mac Media Center box

I don’t think I’m going to be able to resist getting one of these Core Duo Mac Minis. I was really worried that Apple would choose to cripple their Mac Mini’s and release only Solo versions, but thank goodness they’re still willing to innovate in the performance area as well. My pet theory is that […]

No locking = No nothing

So it turns out all kinds of stuff fails when your locking calls fail. Dovecot can’t create indexes of your mailboxes. It also spits out a IMAP warning about it, and mutt pauses a second to display this warning. mutt can’t create its header cache without it, making the use of IMAP with large mailboxes […]

Is that your final answer?

After a long period of trial and error, I think I’ve finally chanced upon the best email solution for work. It turns out that, the solution follows the principle of using the best component for each task, and building a solution out of all the components — the so-called UNIX way. Anyways, here’s what it […]

Aperture slow even on the G5

I stopped by the Apple store in downtown SF yesterday because we were walking around for a bit. I got a chance to play with Aperture on a G5 PowerMac with the 30 inch display. And to tell you the truth, I wasn’t that impressed. I was expecting/hoping for much improved performance, but it seemed […]