Paying for an anti-feature

The continuous onward march of technology benefits everyone right? Well, I thought so too, but recently I’ve run into a counter-example: wide-gamut monitors. First let me tell you about why wide-gamut monitors suck. For ages now, except in high-end scenarios, the color response of your desktop monitor has been assumed be effectively represented by the […]

Considering moving to blogger

If there’s something I’ve learned from work, it’s to start small. At the beginning, use pieces that are available to you already. Build quick prototypes, and only work on the hard parts as you really need them. I’ve spend a considerable amount of time working on blog systems, but in the exactly opposite manner. I […]

Mapped Network Drives, an old enemy

Had a stupid problem with logging into Windows on my laptop for a while now. As soon as I finish entering my password and hit enter, the machine gets stuck at “Loading Personal Settings” for over a minute, with very little disk activity. I finally decided to try to fix it. The most helpful bit […]

Jumping to specific windows in FVWM

I had another surge of motivation to switch back to FVWM, so I’m hacking away at my .fvwm2rc again. One particularly useful trick I’ve come up with is to be able to map key combinations to focus specific application windows. This works even if I’m looking at a different desk. As I tend to only […]

The wife build

Finally got around to building Qian a PC of her own. Cobbled together pieces of my old P4 box (case, power supply), my newer desktop (my older monitor, 2GB of RAM [of which 1GB was inaccessible to 32-bit XP anyways]), and some peripherals she had for her laptop (keyboard / mouse), et voila, a $250 […]

More Hardy on X60 investigation…

Still tinkering away with Ubuntu Hardy Heron on the Thinkpad X60. Since my last posting, Ubuntu updated their kernel to 2.6.24-16, and the corresponding modules package has a newer iwl3945 driver (version 1.2.0, though compat-wireless has 1.2.23). The wireless on this machine appears to work out of the box now. I suspended and resumed a […]

A little closer, but still not quite there: Hardy Heron on my Thinkpad X60

I’ve reported my experiences on running previous versions of Ubuntu on the Thinkpad X60. Here are the notable updates with Hardy Heron: Wireless: Ubuntu dropped the closed source ipw3945 driver from their restricted packages repository, instead, opting to use the iwl3945 driver that’s included in upstream kernel sources. Unfortunately, the version that gets shipped with […]