Dell 3007WFP-HC continued

I just came back from the Apple store to check out the somewhat older 30 inch cinema display. It also has a noticeable anti-glare coating. But I have to say I didn’t find it as distracting as on my Dell. While it was fairly prominent, it seemed to produce less color variation. It’s important to […]

Dell 3007WFP-HC first impressions

So I’ve got this giant monitor sitting on my desk. It’s bright. It has very deep colors. Some reds and greens and oranges definitely look like colors I’ve never seen on a computer display before. It’s grainy. From googling, it appears to be the anti-glare coating that comes standard on all these types of monitors. […]


Posts like this one do a disservice to the reputation of the OSS community. In this post, the author claims that implies that one shouldn’t run Windows because of all the DRM technologies found in it. I wonder if that’s also why he doesn’t run OS X? I never really buy this argument. It’s easy […]

Outlook Reformatting

I got an email at work today, which had a couple lines of g++ calls, which Outlook displayed to me like this: g++ -o exe1 -DXYZ=abc maintemplate.cpp test001.cpp -o exe2 -DXYZ=def g++ maintemplate.cpp test002.cpp Turns out, this was because it “removed extra linebreaks” (which works fine most of the time, but its terrible in some […]

State of FOSS Review 2007

It’s the end of the year, and my office is empty, so seems like as good a time as any to reflect on the past year of FOSS developments. Noteworthy Happenings Ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 were released: While perhaps not as revolutionary as the original Ubuntu releases, these releases represented incremental improvements, and solid steps […]

Display price update

Over a year ago, I wrote up a quick and dirty analysis of display prices. Seems like a good time to revisit that now. First, I’ll note the differences in prices since last time: A Dell 30 inch (3007WFP-HC) is now $1189 (down from $1700 for the non-HC version) Apple’s 30 inch is now $1800 […]

Stick with what works

It seems like a lot of people are learning this lesson with Vista these days. There are very few applications that require Vista, and XP works fine for most people, so why upgrade? There’s really no harm in waiting, while the ISV’s, hardware vendors, and MS sort it all out. Personally, I’m terrible at this. […]

Drupal's "edit own" permission and Input Formats

I spent too much time tracking this one down today, so here’s a note for posterity. Drupal lets you create “roles” that are essentially permission sets for different kinds of users. One of the permissions in these roles is to allow users to edit content that they authored. I had this enabled for the “content […]