Awesome: Windows batch file ugliness

So I got around to writing some startup batch scripts that try to mount some network drives. The net use command is easy enough to use, but I ran into a separate problem. If the machine starts up too fast, then the network isn’t up yet, so net use fails. So I started looking for […]

Poor man's high resolution monitor

Many people have been waiting for high PPI monitors for a long time. There’s a brief period a few years back where laptop companies offered WUXGA 15.4 inch screens, but it appears those monitors proved unpopular among the general population who still had to deal with tiny fonts in windows. The poor man’s way of […]

Linux on the Desktop part N + 1

Time again for my periodic trolling around the net for “Linux on the Desktop” articles. In this episode, I refer you to this Infoworld article, which talks about why Linux desktop hasn’t succeeded yet. The author, Randal Kennedy, claims that because of the development structure of Linux (how distributions serve as aggregation points), when a […]

Color Schemes for VIM

With Gvim, one can finally use the whole color space (not just 16-colors) to do nice code syntax highlighting and such. Unfortunately, actually developing a good colorscheme is pretty difficult and tedious. That’s where this page comes in. It lets you browse a bunch of canned color scheme files, rendered against some sample code. See […]

Updated to Movable Type 4

Ok, here’s my first post using the MT4 interface.. Upgrade seems to have gone mostly fine.. except where did my categories go? I hope I didn’t lose them.. Nevermind, the interface just looks different.. Ah, progress. Update: beware the templating changes.. apparently MT4 templates are way different from MT3 ones, and blindly picking a new […]